Photo-Reading Test Laboratory

Here you can download the latest FREE version of Photo-Reader.

Download Photo-Reader1.1

Download Photo-Reader1.1

What's new in 1.1?

  • Bookmarks
  • A page of the options dialog with a slider bar to change a position of the text (Thank you Jim Carl!)
  • Notification of the current state of the program (Thank you Tonia from Greece!)
  • Saving and loading settings

You are welcome to download and use Photo-Reader for free and if you have any ideas about how to improve it or which options you think are the best please submit your ideas via the form below that's all I ask. If I use them you will be able to get a registration key of future commercial versions for free.

Submit your ideas here  


Your name:

Your email:

(your email will be used just to send you the above menshened registation key)

Options you recommend to use::

Time between msgs (in msec):

duration (in msec):



Font name:

Font Size:

Text color: Background color:

Language of the text:


Your ideas::

Only Read


You are allowed to use and copy this version (and ONLY this version) and give it to any other person, as long as it is not modified in any way.
All copyrights exclusively belong to Rishat Bekmukhamedov M.


  • This version supports nothing but text-only files (doesn't support doc, rtf, pdf, html formats yet, but I am going to include converters of these formats in future versions)
  • You can show and hide the Options Panel and change settings dinamically
  • If you can not read a text in non-English language just choose appropriate set of simbols by clicking on the Font button on the Options Panel (I didn't have a chance to try languages with right-to-left reading order. If you did please let me know)
  • The best way to concentrate on the text is to turn on the Full Screen Mode and hide Options Panel.


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